Un article assez court pour apporter une précision importante suite à des lectures que j’ai pu voir sur plusieurs forums.

Je reviens sur l’article Rendre conforme le faisceau de phare d’une Skyline R34 dans lequel j’expliquais pourquoi il fallait convertir le faisceau des phares avant. C’est valable pour tout véhicule importé qui a été fait pour la circulation à gauche. Le faisceau est asymétrique pour éclairer davantage sur le bas coté (et ainsi voir plus tôt un obstacle surgir, ou un piéton) qu’au centre.

J’avais montré les schémas suivants : à gauche circulation à gauche, à droite circulation à droite (conforme chez nous donc) :

800px-Phare_code_rhd 800px-Phare_code

Sur plusieurs forums ou il était question d’importation, certains ont compris que …les faisceaux des 2 phares n’étaient pas identiques !!

Mais que c’était le phare situé le plus proche du bas coté qui éclairait davantage sur le coté, et le phare proche du centre de la route éclairait donc moins. En gros qu’on aurait ca (la ligne pointillée rouge symbolise la zone d’éclairage de chaque phare, même si en vrai ce serait plus diffus)

Il se trouve que c’est archi faux. Les phares conducteur et passager produisent exactement le même faisceau. Si vous doutez toujours, dès qu’il fait un peu sombre, placer votre voiture à 10m d’un mur, droit de préférence. Allumez les feux de croisement, cacher un phare, observez le faisceau, cacher l’autre et découvrer celui qui était masqué… c’est le même faisceau !

Pour une question de simplification (et aussi sans doute parce qu’on se disait que c’était évident que les 2 faisceaux étaient identiques) le schéma représente la zone d’éclairage de la voiture, pas le faisceau des phares. Si on avait voulu représenter le faisceau des phares, on aurait fait partir un point lumineux depuis chaque phare, ou la zone d’éclairage de chaque phare serait identique. Je ferai un schéma si j’ai le courage !


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You may want or need an english version of the R34 user’s manual for various reasons unless you are confortable with japanese. Or you may want it because it’s required to register the car.

I’ve never heard of an official Nissan owners manual as the R34/33/32 were only made for the japanese domestic market (JDM). Lucky for us a small company specialized in translation has translated the japanese version in english. And translation being the heart of their business they have translated many owners manual from japanese to english !

This is their official website : https://jpnz.co.nz/.

Back to the R34, the manual cover all the RB variations including the RB26. You can get it from two different places :

You will also find R32 and R33 owners manual in both places :

Here are a couple of pages so you get an idea.

R34_owners_manual_cover R34_owners_manual_p81 R34_owners_manual_250

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A quick article about replacing the cabin air filter in your R34.

R34 old & new cabin air filter

Choosing the correct filter

The air filter is the same on all R34 according to rhdjapan and a compatible part number is the « AY684-NS002 » (which is the pollen filter, but there is also a charbon active filter).

I wasn’t very keen on ordering such a common part from Japan. I though it should be available from Europe. Well … it’s been a real PITA to find a suitable part. The R34 cabin air filter are share accross various Nissan models. But most of them are old or they were never sold in Europe. Except one : the Nissan Maxima (A33). So I search a cabin air filter and I found parts from various manufacturers.

Here is one from BluePrint : ADN12537 (dimensions are wrong on their site but the part is compatible with OEM part number).

Before ordering I disassembled (read below for disassembling) the actual cabin air filter and I measured them : 255x95x32mm. Here’s the trouble : the dimensions of the actual filter don’t match the dimensions of the filters of Nissan Maxima found from other manufacturers.

Hell …. best way was to search a  filter with compatible dimensions. I finally found a very good matching filter : 293x96x32. Cut to length would make it an excellent match and cabin air filter are easy to cut with sharp scissors. I ordered a Mann Filter cabin air filter as they offered activated carbon filter with polyphenol (extra filtering properties according to them). Reference is FP 29 003-2 but you can also choose a carbon filter with the reference CUK 29 003-2 or a standard pollen filter with the reference CU 29 003-2. The main advantage with this type of filter is to be very common and it’s used in Peugeot, Citroen and Toyota models and it’s available from many manufacturers (Bosch, BluePrint, …).

Below is a list of compatible filters you can get from amazon (the best bang for buck is probably the Purflux AHC261-2 at 13,99 euros).

Disassembling the cabin air filter

It’s a 30min job once you know how to do it. Be gentle to not break or scratch things. Six steps for disassembling :

  1. remove the glove box by sliding the clips toward the inside of the glove box and separate the glove box retainer
  2. remove the ECU panel : drop the plastic nut and pull firmly but slowly in the opposite direction as it’s maintained with two springs
  3. Remove the 6 screws and you should see something similar to the following picture
  4. remove the retainer metal clip (1) with a flat screw driver and slide the white panel upward (2) : you can see the two frames holding the filters
  5. remove the two frames, drop the dirty filters. Cut the new filters to correct length (I cut them to 255mm but 256 would even be better)
  6. when reassembling be carefull as some filters have an air flow direction. When facing the glove box the air flow goes from the left to the right
  7. install the filters gently in the frames
  8. revert steps from 5 to 1 and you are done !





R34 cabin air filter


R34 cabin air filter "FP 29 003-2"


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Some of you may already aware that Nissan has started its heritage parts programm last year where they restart the production of R32 parts. It was limited to small parts, hoses, gaskets. Production parts have been extented for R33 and R34 as well.

The 25/03/2019 Nismo annonced the RB26DETT block and head are back in production. This is crazy good ! It’s available under Nismo references 11000-RHR20 and 11040-RHR20. This means you can build a brand new 30 years old engine thanks to Nismo. You will notice parts are available through Nismo references and not Nissan references.

Listed in the available parts is the reference A1000-RHR30. It replaces part A1000-24U00 that was …. the RB26DETT N1 block (pricing high sadly).

I can only thanks Nismo to put back into production old parts to support older cars 😀





Pour faire suite à mon article sur l’outillage, je viens de tomber sur une promo de clés mixtes à cliquet KS Tools super intéressante : un coffret de 12 clés (de 8 à 19) ainsi que des adaptateurs pour fixer une douille pour 107 euros seulement (livraison incluse) – habituellement c’est plutot dans les 125-140 euros.

Ca fait la clé à moins de 10 euros, super valable comparé à d’autres marques.

La promo sur amazon :

KS Tools coffret 12 clés mixtes à cliquet